Our Favorite Spring 2022 Sounds and Self-Care Rituals

Posted by Tasha Harris on

After a long cold winter, the return of springtime is a joy for everyone to experience. It's deeply satisfying to see the whole world around you coming back to life, and a brand new season starting up. This is also a great time to do a little inner reflection and accomplish some spring cleaning of your own.

You might be a little bit out of kilter with the change of seasons in progress, especially since springtime generally causes people to become much more active and more energetic. This is the perfect time to indulge yourself in some self-care rituals that help to welcome spring and usher in the new season.

Discover some new music

We’ve been really loving some of early 2022’s new releases, that take us through a full spectrum of moods.  FKA Twigs CAPRISONGS is an album that just keeps on giving, one that the creator described on Instagram as “bronzer in the sink, alcopop on the side … a club pre-game… your bestie who is always late but brings the most to a party.”

We love these delicate and energizing bops that make an easy accompaniment to your spring cleaning, or a newly motivated spring fitness, dance or flow yoga practice. You can also discover some of our classic favorites playlists that come with each of Kobi Co’s lovingly prepared candles.

Do some journaling

Many times, doing some journaling can clear your head of all the myriad thoughts that maybe swirling around inside, which is a great way to provide springtime mental rejuvination.

You may want to reflect on the season which is just concluding, or jot down some thoughts on your expectations for the coming season. Maybe you have some exciting plans in the offing, or you're just thrilled to see more sunshine and warmth.

Whatever it is that might be going on inside your head, committing it to paper is a good self-care process to kick off the season.

Spring house-cleaning

With the change of seasons, it's probably a good time to invest some effort in cleaning up your home and removing some of the clutter and dust which accumulated during winter time.

You may have some rubbish which needs to be cleared out, your rugs could probably use a deep cleaning or vacuuming, and there could be a great deal of material accumulated in your yard that has to be collected and tossed away.

Our luxury mists can help clear all of those stale winter vibes away, too. You can also find a good day to open up the windows and let your household be flooded with fresh air, as well as all that springtime energy which abounds at this time of year.

Walking and meditating

Taking a walk outside is one of the best ways of connecting with nature, as it surges back to life in spring time. It will also create some healthy space for you, because you're getting out of the house and drinking in all the signs of life around you. Walking and meditating is a great way to wake up your senses and be more mindful about the changing of seasons.

Pay attention to the sounds you hear, the smells and sights you detect, and other sensations recognized by your body. Inhale deeply and get a lung full of fresh air, as well as all the different scents carried by spring breezes.

Indulge in a spiritual bath

Since spring time is the ideal time for fresh beginnings, why not wash away all that winter presence from yourself, and completely cleanse your mind and body? There are a number of products you can use to give yourself an especially therapeutic bath, and to achieve total relaxation.

Luxury bath salts can be a great way to pamper yourself, as can luxury bath bombs and candles. Whatever it is that will be most effective for your personal spring ritual is what you should adopt to pamper yourself.


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